We are planning an 1830’s Christmas event on Dec 12 for our costume group at Old Economy Village. Afterwards we are going English Country Dancing! Several ladies are making new dresses for this, and all the talk about fabrics has sucked me in. I have two 1830’s dresses and both are over 17 years old. I think it is time for a new one.
I started by looking over my Pinterest board for 1830’s. Also I saved a link from Samantha’s blog (Couture Courtesan) with a dress I really like from this period. It is more late 1820’s, but the basic design idea still applies:
What I like about this dress – the striped fabric, the bodice cut on the diagonal, and the trim around the bottom of the skirt. I really like the striped gowns – here are some originals:
So what fabric to buy? Nothing modest or matronly will do, I want to be as loud as the wallpaper in the Rapp House …

Rapp House wallpaper from Adelphi – YES you can have this in your living room too!!!
These prints are so ugly they’re beautiful! While looking for some fabric ideas for a friend, I blew 45 minutes on Sunday looking at Reproduction Fabrics and I found it: the loudest 1830’s print I think I have ever seen:

Reproduction 1830’s Cotton Print, “Merchant’s Wife” line by Terry Thompson for RJR Fabrics
I can make up this dress fast as a print that busy doesn’t really need any trim! I am thinking of wearing a lace pelerine with it, like this:
This is the one I have – hopefully it will look good:
For the pattern, I have this great 1830’s pattern from Truly Victorian that I have not used yet:
Not sure how that pleated bertha collar will work with this fabric – we will have to wait and see!